Back Complaints in the Elders (BACE); design of cohort studies in primary care: an international consortium

Jantine Scheele*, Pim A. J. Luijsterburg, Manuela L. Ferreira, Chris G. Maher, Leani Pereira, Wilco C. Peul, Maurits W. van Tulder, Arthur M. Bohnen, Marjolein Y. Berger, Sita M. A. Bierma-Zeinstra, Bart W. Koes

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    Background: Although back complaints are common among older people, limited information is available in the literature about the clinical course of back pain in older people and the identification of older persons at risk for the transition from acute back complaints to chronic back pain. The aim of this study is to assess the course of back complaints and identify prognostic factors for the transition from acute back complaints to chronic back complaints in older people who visit a primary health care physician.

    Methods/design: The design is a prospective cohort study with one-year follow-up. There will be no interference with usual care. Patients older than 55 years who consult a primary health care physician with a new episode of back complaints will be included in this study. Data will be collected using a questionnaire, physical examination and X-ray at baseline, and follow-up questionnaires after 6 weeks and 3, 6, 9 and 12 months. The study 'Back Complaints in the Elders' (BACE) will take place in different countries: starting in the Netherlands, Brazil and Australia. The research groups collaborate in the BACE consortium. The design and basic objectives of the study will be the same across the studies.

    Discussion: This consortium is a collaboration between different research groups, aiming to provide insight into the course of back complaints in older people and to identify prognostic factors for the transition from acute back complaints to chronic back complaints in older persons. The BACE consortium allows to investigate differences between older people with back complaints and the health care systems in the different countries and to increase the statistical power by enabling meta-analyses using the individual patient data. Additional research groups worldwide are invited to join the BACE consortium.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number193
    Number of pages9
    JournalBmc Musculoskeletal Disorders
    Publication statusPublished - 19-Aug-2011


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