Barriers and facilitators for implementing lifestyle-related treatment modalities in osteoarthritis: A cross-sectional study among primary and secondary healthcare professionals

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PURPOSE: To identify barriers and facilitators as perceived by primary and secondary healthcare professionals (HCPs) when implementing lifestyle-related treatment modalities (LRTMs) in patients with hip/knee osteoarthritis (OA).

METHODS: A cross-sectional study. A Dutch online survey was distributed among eight different disciplines of primary and secondary HCPs. Potential barriers and facilitators were identified based on participants' responses to 32 research-derived statements on implementing LRTMs, and presented as factors with "major agreement" (≥75%), "minor agreement" (60-75%) or "no agreement" (<60%).

RESULTS: 213 participants completed the survey. Seven "barriers" and 20 "facilitators" were identified. There were three "major agreement barriers": organization of Dutch healthcare system, audits within organization, and lifestyle climate in Dutch society. The top three "major agreement facilitators" were: health effects on patients, safety of increasing physical activity, and personal attitude. The total number of "barriers" differed per HCP discipline, with the highest number (12) among orthopedic surgeons (or in-training) and the lowest number (4) among dieticians, physiotherapists, and lifestyle counselors.

CONCLUSIONS: The findings suggest that implementing LRTMs within OA care could be improved by focusing on societal rather than individual HCP factors. National preventive policies on health promotion could counteract the expected increase in healthcare demand and costs due to OA and other chronic diseases. Future research is needed to match relevant implementation strategies to all barriers identified.

Original languageEnglish
Article number104898
Number of pages11
JournalHealth Policy
Early online date21-Aug-2023
Publication statusPublished - Oct-2023


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