Begeleiden Lesson Study-team: loslaten of sturen?

Translated title of the contribution: Facilitating Lesson Study team: directive or non-directive?: Quantitative research on styles of facilitating by the Lesson Study facilitator from the perspective of teachers

Sofie van Harskamp, Iris Uffen, Siebrichje de Vries

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterAcademic


Kwantitatief onderzoek naar begeleidingsstijlen van de Lesson Study-begeleider vanuit het perspectief van de leraar
Translated title of the contributionFacilitating Lesson Study team: directive or non-directive?: Quantitative research on styles of facilitating by the Lesson Study facilitator from the perspective of teachers
Original languageDutch
Publication statusPublished - 8-May-2018
Event3e Landelijke Lesson Study-conferentie : Lesson Study: van enthousiasme naar succesvolle praktijk - Domstad, Utrecht, Netherlands
Duration: 8-May-20188-May-2018


Conference3e Landelijke Lesson Study-conferentie

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