Blockchain for Sustainable Development Goals: #Blockchain4SDGs - Report 2018

Andrej Zwitter (Editor), Joost Herman (Editor)

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Blockchain Report 2018
Blockchain Report
UG/Campus Fryslân, Data Research Centre and Globalisation Studies Groningen organised a Blockchain4SDGs interdisciplinary workshop that brought together experts from the development and humanitarian sectors with experts on blockchain technology. Participants jointly explored the implications of blockchain – both its possibilities and limitations – in the field of development and humanitarian action and discussed how the technology could be used to address the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). This report presents the results of those discussions. After an introduction to blockchain technology in the fields of humanitarian and development aid, the report summarizes the individual participants’ contributions to the Blockchain4SDGs workshop. These contributions range from practise examples to theoretical and technological developments. The report also includes summaries of the themes raised during the roundtable discussions and final remarks.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationLeeuwarden
PublisherRijksuniversiteit Groningen
Number of pages36
Publication statusPublished - 20-Jul-2018
EventBlockchain4SDGs workshop - Campus Fryslan, University of Groningen, Leeuwarden, Netherlands
Duration: 1-Dec-20171-Dec-2017


  • Blockchain
  • Humanitarian Action
  • Sustainable Development
  • Humanitarian innovation
  • data science
  • science and technology studies


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