Bridging inner and outer worlds: A psychodynamic approach to meaningful mourning

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterAcademicpeer-review

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    In this chapter, I suggest to combine so-called constructional models of mourning, with object relational theory (Ogden 2000, 2005; Melzer 2008) to develop a more adequate theoretical framework and model to work with in counselling. The first perspective emphasizes an active construction of reality; the second adds the impact of important attachment relationships during the construction of these representations of reality. My main argument is that intra-psychic models to understand mourning or effectively support mourning people do not suffice. Not only may individuals with different temperaments respond very differently to “similar” losses, but depending on one’s specific personal situation and on the cultural context in which one is embedded the impact of particular kinds of loss can vary greatly.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationReligion as relation
    Subtitle of host publicationStudying religion in context
    EditorsP. Berger, M. Buitelaar, K. Knibbe
    Place of PublicationSheffield
    PublisherEquinox Publishing Ltd.
    Number of pages21
    ISBN (Electronic)9781800500716
    ISBN (Print)9781800500693, 9781800500709
    Publication statusPublished - 24-Oct-2021


    • mourning
    • religious meaning
    • modes of being
    • spiritual care


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    • Meaningful mourning: A Psychodynamic Approach

      Muthert, H., Jan-2023, Recovery: The Interface between Psychiatry and Spiritual Care. Olsman, E., Brijan, B. N. M., Rosie, X. J. S. & Muthert, J. K. (eds.). Utrecht: Eburon Academische Uitgeverij, p. 113-132 20 p.

      Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterAcademic

      Open Access

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