Centrality determination in heavy-ion collisions with the LHCb detector

K. de Bruyn, C. J. G. Onderwater, M. van Veghel, LHCb Collaboration

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The centrality of heavy-ion collisions is directly related to the created medium in these interactions. A procedure to determine the centrality of collisions with the LHCb detector is implemented for lead-lead collisions at √s NN = 5 TeV and lead-neon fixed-target collisions at √s NN = 69 GeV. The energy deposits in the electromagnetic calorimeter are used to determine and define the centrality classes. The correspondence between the number of participants and the centrality for the lead-lead collisions is in good agreement with the correspondence found in other experiments, and the centrality measurements for the lead-neon collisions presented here are performed for the first time in fixed-target collisions at the LHC.
Original languageEnglish
Article numberP05009
JournalJournal of Instrumentation
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 1-May-2022


  • Pattern recognition, cluster finding, calibration and fitting methods
  • Performance of High Energy Physics Detectors
  • Simulation methods and programs


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