Chaplain Leadership During COVID-19: An International Expert Panel

Szilagyi Csaba, Anne Vandenhoeck, Megan Best, Cate Desjardins, David Drummond, George Fitchett, Simon Harrison, Trace Haythorn, Cheryl Holmes, Hanneke Muthert, Daniel Nuzum, Joost Verhoef, Erika Willander

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Chaplain leadership may have played a pivotal role in shaping chaplains’ roles in health care amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. We convened an international expert panel to identify expert perception on key chaplain leadership factors. Six leadership themes of professional confidence, engaging and trust-building with executives, decision-making, innovation and creativity, building integrative and trusting connections with colleagues, and promoting cultural competencies emerged as central to determining chaplains’ integration, perceived value, and contributions during the pandemic.
Original languageEnglish
JournalThe Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling
Issue number1
Early online date21-Dec-2021
Publication statusPublished - Mar-2022


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