Conservation, conflict and semi-industrial mining: The case of eastern DRC

Judith Verweijen, Peer Schouten, Fergus O'Leary Simpson, Chakirwa Zirimwabagabo Pascal

Research output: Working paperAcademic

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Semi-industrial mining in and near protected areas in
eastern DRC exacerbates violent conflict in three ways: 1)
it fosters competition between political-military networks;
2) it creates new, and exacerbates existing, conflicts; and 3)
it intensifies popular grievances because of negative social
and environmental impacts. In a militarized environment,
conflict and competition can spark violence and foster
popular support for armed groups. Measures to curb mining
in protected areas need to take these different effects on
conflict dynamics into consideration. Policymakers and
donors need to ensure that such measures do not exacerbate
conflict, competition and grievances by 1) fostering broad
support for them among different (civilian and military)
state agencies and at different administrative levels; 2)
anticipating displacement effects; and 3) carefully assessing
the impact on local livelihoods.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationAntwerp
PublisherUniversity of Antwerp, Institute of Development Policy
Number of pages11
Publication statusPublished - Dec-2022

Publication series

NameAnalysis and Policy Briefs
PublisherUniversity of Antwerp


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