Correlated States in Strained Twisted Bilayer Graphenes Away from the Magic Angle

Le Zhang, Ying Wang, Rendong Hu, Puhua Wan, Oleksandr Zheliuk, Minpeng Liang, Xiaoli Peng, Yu Jia Zeng*, Jianting Ye

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Graphene moiré superlattice formed by rotating two graphene sheets can host strongly correlated and topological states when flat bands form at so-called magic angles. Here, we report that, for a twisting angle far away from the magic angle, the heterostrain induced during stacking heterostructures can also create flat bands. Combining a direct visualization of strain effect in twisted bilayer graphene moiré superlattices and transport measurements, features of correlated states appear at "non-magic"angles in twisted bilayer graphene under the heterostrain. Observing correlated states in these "non-standard"conditions can enrich the understanding of the possible origins of the correlated states and widen the freedom in tuning the moiré heterostructures and the scope of exploring the correlated physics in moiré superlattices.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3204-3211
Number of pages8
JournalNano Letters
Issue number8
Publication statusPublished - 27-Apr-2022


  • electronic correlations
  • heterostrain
  • moiré superlattice
  • Twisted bilayer graphene
  • valley polarization


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