Corrigendum: “On the drug adsorption capacity of SBA-15 obtained from various detemplation protocols” [Mater. Lett. 131 (2014) 186–189] (Materials Letters )

Zheng Zhang, Diana L. Santangelo, Gert ten Brink, Bart J. Kooi, Jacob A. Moulijn, Ignacio Melián-Cabrera*

*Corresponding author for this work

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The authors regret that the original graphical abstract contained an error by accident. In particular, the values of the OH density for the calcined SBA-15 and solvent-&-Fenton-treated SBA-15 were swapped. These values contradict the main message of the study. The values contained in the paper are however correct. In summary, the paper's data are correct but the graphical abstract contained swapped data leading to a contradiction. Below, an amended graphical abstract can be found, as well as in the online journal website. The authors would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused. [Figure presented]

Original languageEnglish
Article number131425
Number of pages1
JournalMaterials Letters
Early online date9-Dec-2021
Publication statusPublished - 15-Feb-2022


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