Corrigendum to “In the fight against climate change, did the financial sector cut secular ties with the oil industry or merely camouflage them?”

Franco Ruzzenenti*, Klaus Hubacek, Giampaolo Gabbi

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Research output: Contribution to journalErratum

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The authors regret < To have inserted a wrong citation at page 5 for the report: Five Years Lost – How the Finance Industry is Blowing the Paris Carbonbudget. The correct source is Urgewald (2020). This mistake was signaled by the NGO Urgewald>. The authors would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused. Correct reference: Urgewald, 2020. Five Years Lost Report: How Finance is Blowing the Pari Carbon Budget. Available at: Accessed on October 19, 2023.

Original languageEnglish
Article number100048
Number of pages1
JournalCleaner Production Letters
Publication statusPublished - Dec-2023


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