Corrigendum to “Understanding frailty and its opposites from community-dwelling older people's perspectives: A phenomenological qualitative study” [International Journal of Nursing Studies Advances 7 (2024) 100238] (International Journal of Nursing Studies Advances (2024) 7, (S2666142X24000651), (10.1016/j.ijnsa.2024.100238))

Rianne D.J. Golbach, Nanda Kleinenberg-Talsma, Fons van der Lucht, Johannes S.M. Hobbelen, Harriët Jager-Wittenaar, Evelyn J. Finnema

Research output: Contribution to journalErratum


1. The authors regret that some of the references in the final version of the manuscript were still indicated as ‘deleted for blinded review’. These have been corrected below: a) On page 2: For example, in a recent Delphi study, older people in the Netherlands indicated that they did not use or like negative terms, such as frail, fragile, or brittle, but instead preferred positive terms concerning older age, such as independence, resilience, or vital (Deleted for blinded review) – should be Golbach et al., 2022b) On page 3: -This study was part of a larger qualitative study on the perspectives of frail and non-frail older people on frailty (also described in (Deleted for blinded review) and (Deleted for blinded review)) – should be Kleinenberg-Talsma et al., 2023 and Golbach et al., 2024b.c) On page 3: -A convenience sample of older people aged ≥65 and living independently was recruited. Recruitment was purposeful by contacting older people who previously participated in a study on the terminology older people use concerning frailty – should be Golbach et al., 2022d) On page 8: Attention should be given to the context and characteristics of older individuals (Deleted for blinded review; Sobhani et al., 2021 – should be Golbach et al., 2024a; Sobhani et al., 2021). Full references are: -Golbach, R. D. J., Bunt, S., Jager-Wittenaar, H., Finnema, E. J., & Hobbelen, J. S. M. (2024a). Exploring frailty perspectives of older people, informal caregivers, care professionals, and managers: A systematic integrative review. Manuscript Submitted for Publication., Please check availability with the corresponding author -Golbach, R. D. J., Kleinenberg-Talsma, N., Jager-Wittenaar, H., Hobbelen, J. S. M., & Finnema, E. J. (2024b). Understanding frailty experiences in Dutch community-dwelling older people: A qualitative phenomenological study. Manuscript Submitted for Publication., Please check availability with the corresponding author -Golbach, R. D., Hobbelen, H. J., & Jager-Wittenaar, H. (2022). Welke woorden ouderen gebruiken als het gaat om ouder worden en kwetsbaarheid: een Delphi-studie. Tijdschrift Voor Gerontologie En Geriatrie, (4), 1–9. -Kleinenberg-Talsma, N., Golbach, R. D. J., Van der Lucht, F., Jager-Wittenaar, H., & Finnema, E. J. (2024). Perspectives of older adults on frailty prevention, aging well, and late-life preparedness: a qualitative study. Manuscript Submitted for Publication. Please check availability with the corresponding author2. In addition, the title of the paper contained a grammatical error – peoples’ should be written as people's:The authors apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Original languageEnglish
Article number100250
JournalInternational Journal of Nursing Studies Advances
Publication statusPublished - Dec-2024


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