¿Crítica de la colonización como crítica inmanente?

Translated title of the contribution: Critique of colonization as immanent critique?

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterAcademic


This chapter critically evaluates whether Habermas's critique of colonization in "The Theory of Communicative Action" can fulfil the requirements of an immanent social critique. I argue that Habermas develops the distinction between system and life-world to provide a basis for immanent critique, but that he ultimately does not clearly distinguish between a normative and a functionalist model of immanent critique. As an alternative, I develop a model of a fully normative immanent critique of colonization.
Translated title of the contributionCritique of colonization as immanent critique?
Original languageSpanish
Title of host publicationCrítica y hermenéutica
Subtitle of host publicationPerspectivas filosóficas, literarias y sociales
EditorsJuan Antonio Nicolás, Sultana Wahnón, José Manuel Romero
Place of PublicationGranada
Number of pages16
ISBN (Electronic)9788413800936
ISBN (Print)9788490459867
Publication statusPublished - 2020

Publication series

NameFilosofía hoy


  • Habermas, Jürgen
  • immanent critique
  • colonization of the lifeworld


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