De kristalstructuur van dibenzeenchroom

Evert Keulen

Research output: ThesisThesis fully internal (DIV)

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There is a interest in the chemical bonding in 'sandwich' n-complexes of transition metals with aromatic ligands. A short account on the structural features of these compounds is given in Chapter 1. The structure of dibenzenechromium has been the subject of many investigations, but the results were controversial with regard to the symmetry of the benzene rings. A room-temperature X-ray diffraction study by Jellinek (1960, 1963) indicated a distortion from D6h molecular symmetry; in the ligand rings carbon-carbon bonds of 1. 436 (12) A were found to alternate with bonds of 1. 366 (12) A. Another determination of the crystal structure of dibenzenechromium at room temperature was undertaken by Cotton et a1. (1963). In this investigation no significant deviation from D6h symmetry was observed; the length of both independent sets of C-C bonds was given as 1. 387 (17) A. Because of these contradictions we reinvestigated the crystal structure by X-ray diffraction at low temperature (lOOc K) in order to decrease the thermal motion which puts a serious limitation on the accuracy with which the atomic positions can be determined...
Original languageDutch
QualificationDoctor of Philosophy
  • Jellinek, F, Supervisor
  • de Vos, R.A.I., Supervisor, External person
Award date1-Jul-1969
Place of PublicationGroningen
Publication statusPublished - 1969

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