DiapoCare: Marketed product limiting dermatitis

Jon D. Laman (Developer)

Research output: Non-textual formDigital or Visual ProductsAcademic


Development and market introduction of protease inhibitors for topical cream application against skin inflammation. Clinical indications include: diaper dermatitis in babies, stoma patients, incontinence, congenital defects of the colon, Crohn’s disease, and cancer treatment side effects. Original scientific concept developed by Dr. J.G. van Embden, L. van Lieshout (Bsc) and J.D. Laman. Longstanding collaboration with the cooperation AVEBE (Veendam, Groningen) providing protease inhibitors from protein fraction of starch potatoes. The launching company is Eurodrug B.V. (Den Haag) with a cream for diaper dermatitis in healthy infants. This product called Diapocare is now marketed in the entire European Community, and 13 other countries including Thailand, Singapore and Hong Kong.

Eurodrug is providing Diapocare also in a compassionate use program for patients, including at UMCG (Depts. Dermatology and Gastroenterology). Eurodrug is currently developing this approach into a medical device for marketing in Europe and the USA. Medical Device Class I status was granted September 2020.
Original languageEnglish
Media of outputWeb
Publication statusPublished - 2020


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