Digital Field Survey Archaeology: recupero di legacy data di ricognizioni di superficie in Molise e Puglia con lo stage del Reale Istituto Neerlandese di Roma

Anita Casarotto, Flavia Palazzini, Claudio De Simone, Tesse Stek

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterAcademicpeer-review

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By using field survey methods, landscape archaeologists have produced immense and diverse datasets on Mediterranean societies in antiquity. These so-called legacy survey data are important both for the study of particular sites and local histories, and for reconstructing large-scale settlement dynamics. Mining, translating and curating these as yet very diverse datasets forms a crucial step towards the unlocking of their potential for archaeological and historical study. The Dutch institute in Rome (KNIR) organises digital internships for university students who collect legacy data of different types and make them openly accessible online through the Fasti Online Survey platform. In this paper we present the internship as well as the results that were obtained for the regions of Molise and Apulia (central-southern Italy). Furthermore, we discuss the promise of this type of collaborative initiative for education, research and heritage management, and for inspiring students and researchers to join the project.
Original languageItalian
Title of host publicationInFieri
Subtitle of host publicationIncontri di Archeologia Sapienza: miscellanea degli atti II (2018-2019) e III (2020)
EditorsElisa Abbondanzieri, Sabina De Luca, Virginia Ferraguti, Noemi Giovino, Matteo Lombardi, Chiara Maria Marchetti, Nicol Tollis
PublisherEdizioni Quasar
Number of pages16
ISBN (Print)9788854910065
Publication statusPublished - 2023


  • Legacy survey data
  • Molise
  • Apulia
  • Internship
  • Digital
  • KNIR

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