Dimensions of Love and Human Wisdom: Jalaluddin Rumi's View in Etnosufistic Perspective

Pangulu Abdul Karim*, Miswar Miswar, Muqarramah Sulaiman Kurdi

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This study aims to describe the dimensions of love and human wisdom according to Jalaluddin Rumi. This research is qualitative research with a library research model studied with an ethnosufistic approach. The primary data of the research is the book of Fīhī mā fīh by Jalaluddin Rumi. The data collection technique is done by documentation. The researcher systematically documents the data of the trilogy of love and human wisdom in the book according to the specified theme/fasl. Meanwhile, data analysis was carried out descriptively-interpretatively. The research results mention; human love and wisdom, according to Rumi, is divided into three dimensions; man to Allah SWT; human to human; and humans to nature. This is stated in the book of Fīhī mā fīh Article 1 "All because of Allah SWT"; Article 2 "Humans are astrolabes of Allah SWT"; Article 14 "from and for Allah". Human love and wisdom for humans is stated in Article 4, "We glorify the descendants of Adam"; Article 6 ", A believer is a mirror for other believers"; and Article 17 ", Humans are a combination of angels and animals". Human love and wisdom with nature is stated in Article 34, "God's Earth is wide"; Article 37 ", From that ocean, these drops come from; Article 46 ", Nature is the medium of the transfiguration of Allah SWT."
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)235-257
Number of pages23
JournalDialogia: Islamic Studies and Social Journal
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2022


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