Dissolving boundaries: Mapping the discursive terrain of journalistic identity in a digital era

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterAcademic


    Amid digital changes to the ways news is mediated, the boundaries
    of the journalistic field have become less clear. While
    traditional journalists have embraced many of the opportunities
    enabled by online media, new actors have emerged demonstrating
    journalistic capabilities that challenge the boundaries of the
    journalistic field. Joining field theory and discourse analysis, this
    chapter explores measures of identity and boundaries apparent
    in news discourses. It argues there is an advantage to applying
    discourse analysis to explore dimensions of identity within changing
    dynamics of journalistic work, capturing the more fractured
    nature of the field in a digital era. This also shows how new actors
    who adopt journalistic identity in their newswork are rebuffed in
    ways that reflect traditional boundaries.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationDiscours des réseaux sociaux:
    Subtitle of host publicationenjeux publics, politiques et médiatiques
    EditorsMarcel Burger, Joanna Thornborrow, Richard Fitzgerald
    Place of PublicationBrussels
    PublisherDe Boeck
    Number of pages17
    ISBN (Print)9782807306028
    Publication statusPublished - Aug-2017


    • Journalistic identity
    • Journalistic boundaries
    • Digital journalism
    • Interloper media
    • Field Theory


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