Een bijzonder meerderheidskabinet? Parlementair gedrag tijdens het kabinet Rutte-I

Translated title of the contribution: A special majority cabinet? Parliamentary behaviour during the Cabinet Rutte-I

Simon Otjes, T. Louwerse

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review

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This article studies how the presence of the supported minority government Rutte-I affected patterns of legislative behaviour. Based on the literature on minority cabinets one would expect that during supported minority cabinets parliamentary parties cooperate more often across the division between coalition and opposition than under multiparty majority cabinet rule. Examining almost 30,000 parliamentary votes between 1994 and 2012, this study finds that on a host of indicators of coalition- opposition-cooperation, there was less cooperation ‘across the aisle’ during the Rutte-I cabinet than during any cabinet before it. We explain this with reference to the comprehensive nature of the support agreement as well as the impact of the cabinets’ ideological composition.
Translated title of the contribution A special majority cabinet? Parliamentary behaviour during the Cabinet Rutte-I
Original languageDutch
Pages (from-to)459-479
Number of pages21
JournalRes Publica: revue de l'Institut Belge de Science Politique = tijdschrift van het Belgisch Instituut voor Politieke Wetenschappen
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2013


  • majority cabinet
  • minority cabinet
  • parliamentary behaviour


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