EORTC Melanoma Group achievements

Alessandro Testori, Stefan Suciu, Alexander van Akkooi, Martin Cook, Ghanem Ghanem, R. Karra Gurenath, Ulrich Keilholz, L. van Kempen, Serge Leyvraz, Martin Mihm, Julia Newton-Bishop, Poulam Patel, Caroline Robert, Dirk Schadendorf, Gaetan de Schaezen, Alan Spatz, Esther de Vries, Alexander Eggermont

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    Since its inception in 1969, the EORTC Melanoma Group has employed a multidisciplinary approach in the fight against melanoma and has registered significant achievements in many areas of melanoma treatment and research. The group showed that sentinel node (SN) tumor burden according to the Rotterdam Criteria and the microanatomic location were the most important prognostic factors for melanoma-specific survival and non-SN positivity in the completion lymph node dissection specimen. They demonstrated that extended schedule escalated dose temozolomide is feasible and has an acceptable safety profile. They also showed that the interferon-a targeted therapy should occur in a targeted patient population, and should probably not be offered to 70% of the patients that are currently being given this treatment. Through EORTC trial 18991, Sylatron™, pegylated interferon a-2b, for the treatment of melanoma patients with microscopic or gross nodal involvement within 84 days of definitive surgical resection including complete lymphadenectomy, was approved by the US FDA. The present article describes the achievements and future strategies of the Melanoma Group.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)112-119
    Number of pages8
    JournalEjc supplements
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - 2012


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