Exploring cycling and sports in people with a lower limb amputation: prosthetic aspects

Jutamanee Poonsiri

    Research output: ThesisThesis fully internal (DIV)

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    Many people begin cycling since childhood and later commute daily by cycling. Sometimes, cycling can become part of a social activity. Nevertheless, information on how many people cycle after a lower limb amputation, why or why not is limited. This thesis explored cycling participation of people with a lower limb amputation and factors predicting cycling, particularly toward the use of prostheses.
    After the amputation, the results of the reviews showed 4-48% of people cycled. Surveys showed 47% and 67% of people cycled in Thailand, and the Netherlands respectively for health benefits, recreation and transportation. Socioeconomic, personal, and environmental factors, including prostheses and bicycles, influenced cycling. For example, a prosthetic foot with more ankle motions increased cycling likelihood. Another example is people with a higher functional level were more likely to cycle than people who use a cane, crutch, walker or have comorbidities. Moreover, people with a higher perceived number of cycling facilitators were more likely to cycle.
    Thai recreational cyclists were more satisfied with the prosthesis than non-cyclists. Athletes with a lower limb amputation were satisfied with the prosthetic sports foot. The performance was the key factor determining the sports foot satisfaction. For those reasons, it is important for people with a lower limb amputation to get a prosthesis and training that match their desired activities participation. Involved professionals should evaluate how to increase the number of facilitators and reduce barriers in order to promote cycling for health benefits and social inclusion of all people in society.
    Original languageEnglish
    QualificationDoctor of Philosophy
    Awarding Institution
    • University of Groningen
    • Geertzen, Jan, Supervisor
    • Dijkstra, Pieter, Supervisor
    • Dekker, Rienk, Supervisor
    • Hijmans, Juha, Co-supervisor
    Award date2-Dec-2020
    Place of Publication[Groningen]
    Print ISBNs978-94-6423-058-1
    Electronic ISBNs978-94-6423-059-8
    Publication statusPublished - 2020


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