Financial judgment determination in adults with ADHD

Janneke Koerts*, Dorien F. Bangma, Anselm B. M. Fuermaier, Christian Mette, Lara Tucha, Oliver Tucha

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ADHD has a debilitating influence on everyday functioning, including the capability to make financial decisions. The capability to make financial decisions is a multidimensional construct that includes financial knowledge, financial judgment, financial performance and related contextual factors. So far, the majority of studies in adults with ADHD focused on financial performance, while the other aspects of financial capability were less explored. The current study aims to partly bridge this gap by examining the ability of financial judgment in adults with ADHD. Thirty-nine adults with ADHD and 83 adults without ADHD were included. All participants were assessed with the Financial Competence Assessment Inventory (FCAI) and Financial Decision-Making Interview (FDMI) which both assess the four abilities of financial judgment, i.e., understanding, appreciation, reasoning and communication. The results show that adults with ADHD, compared to adults without ADHD, obtained significantly lower scores on understanding (according to the FCAI and FDMI). Furthermore, adults with ADHD showed a significantly lower appreciation, reasoning and communication (according to the FCAI) than adults without ADHD. In conclusion, adults with ADHD have difficulties with financial judgment especially with the ability to understand information that is relevant for a financial situation or transaction. Furthermore, adults with ADHD were found to have problems with appreciating, reasoning and communicating about practical information that partly relates to their own financial situation (as assessed with the FCAI). A careful assessment of financial capability in adults with ADHD, therefore, appears warranted in clinical practice.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)969–979
Number of pages11
JournalJournal of Neural Transmission
Early online date12-Mar-2021
Publication statusPublished - Jul-2021


  • Financial capability
  • Financial decision-making
  • Financial judgment
  • ADHD


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