Från statsapparater och disciplin till ”educationalization” och ”educational ambitions": Teoretiska perspektiv på fostran i svensk och internationell utbildningshistorisk forskning

Translated title of the contribution: From state apparatuses and discipline to educationalization and educational ambitions: Theoretical perspectices on education and socialization in Swedish and international history of education

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterAcademic

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In this chapter, I initially present a series of perspectives on the nurturing functions of education. I begin by highlighting basic concepts such as state apparatuses, discipline and curriculum codes, and then give an overview of some concepts that have become important in the international field of educational history research. These include concepts such as educationalization, educational ambitions, moral rules and children's cultures. The aim here is not to give a complete overview – such a one does not fit within the scope of this chapter – but rather to create an interesting point of comparison that enables a discussion both about the anthology's contribution and the future of Swedish educational historical research
Translated title of the contributionFrom state apparatuses and discipline to educationalization and educational ambitions: Theoretical perspectices on education and socialization in Swedish and international history of education
Original languageSwedish
Title of host publicationUtbildningens fostrande funktioner
Subtitle of host publicationHistoriska undersökningar av fostran i offentliga och enskilda utbildningsinsatser
EditorsViktor Englund, Anne Berg, Peter Bernhardsson, Janne Holmén, Esbjörn Larsson, Germund Larsson, Johanna Ringarp, David Sjögren
Place of PublicationUppsala
PublisherUppsala University
Number of pages23
ISBN (Print)9789186701062
Publication statusPublished - 2022

Publication series

NameUtbildningshistoriska meddelanden
PublisherUppsala University
ISSN (Print)2000-4168


  • history of education


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