Frieslands oudheid

Herrius Halbertsma

Research output: ThesisThesis fully internal (DIV)

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The Frisian people can boast that they have kept their own name and lived on the same lands for more than two thousand years. The footprints of their ancestors in the Iron Age have been found on the mud-flat deposits on both sides of the Vlie-stream. There is, moreover, every reason to believe that their culture was the direct continuation of that of the mud-flat farmers who came to settle on the creek dposits of Drechterland in Westfriesland in the Bronze Age. ... Zie: Summary
Original languageDutch
QualificationDoctor of Philosophy
  • Jongkees, A.G., Supervisor, External person
  • Waterbolk, H.T., Supervisor
Publication statusPublished - 1982

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