From patents to trademarks: towards a concordance map

Milad Abbasiharofteh, Carolina Castaldi, Sergio Petralia

Research output: Book/ReportReportProfessional


An emerging research strand is revealing the complementarity
between patents and trademarks. Patents play a role in protecting
the inventive output of R&D, while trademarks can flag actual
innovations to the market. Trademarks have the potential to
inform us about the commercialization of patents, but patent and
trademark data are hard to link.
The project has two main objectives. First, it aims at developing
and validating a novel concordance map linking patents to
trademarks through linking the underlying classifications. This
concordance will be shared in an open data setting to allow
researchers to exploit it. Second, it plans to use the concordance
to provide answers to research questions relevant to the study of
cleantech patents.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherUtrecht University
Number of pages33
Publication statusPublished - 2022
Externally publishedYes

Publication series

NameEPO ARP Project


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