GENTLE: The Graphical Ego-Network Tool for Longitudinal Examination

Joshua Krause, Bertus F. Jeronimus*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Non-textual formSoftwareAcademic


The Graphical Ego-Network Tool for Longitudinal Examination (GENTLE) allows participants to easily gather data about social networks. Gentle is a frontend framework in which researchers can select modular components to achieve their research goals. With every answer participants enrich and modify the visualization of their social network system - which is both intuitive and playful, as illustrated in our demo at Repeated assessments with Gentle allow for the identification of social network changes over time.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherUniversity of Groningen
Publication statusPublished - 10-Jan-2020


  • Ego-network
  • social network
  • Network
  • Alters
  • Friends
  • Family


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