Global before birth: A study of internationalization mindsets of entrepreneurs

Silvia Costa*, Arjan Frederiks, Paula Danskin - Englis, Basil Englis, Aard Groen

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Our research finds that even before a start-up has formed, a combination of the entrepreneur’s willingness and ability to internationalize determines the likelihood that an entre- preneur will in fact internationalize. Even before a venture is launched, entrepreneurs already have an internationalization mindset that influences their engagement in internationali- zation activities later on in the entrepreneurial process. Two hundred and thirteen early-stage entrepreneurs in a business accelerator participated in this research. Using intake data, we mapped their entrepreneurial internationalization mind- set profiles. Two years after intake, we observed the actual internationalization behavior of the firms. We discuss the implications of our research for entrepreneurship policy makers, support organizations, business accelerators, and entrepreneurs.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)212-224
Number of pages14
JournalJournal of the International Council for Small Business
Issue number2
Early online date5-Aug-2022
Publication statusPublished - 25-Apr-2023


  • Early internationalization
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Mindset


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