GRminusRD: A Sensitive Assay to Detect Activation Processes at the Plasma Membrane in Living Cells

Peter J M van Haastert*, Ineke Keizer-Gunnink, Arjan Kortholt

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterAcademicpeer-review


Activation processes at the plasma membrane have been studied with life-cell imaging using GFP fused to a protein that binds to a component of the activation process. In this way, PIP3 formation has been monitored with CRAC-GFP, Ras-GTP with RBD-Raf-GFP, and Rap-GTP with Ral-GDS-GFP. The fluorescent sensors translocate from the cytoplasm to the plasma membrane upon activation of the process. Although this translocation assay can provide very impressive images and movies, the method is not very sensitive, and amount of GFP-sensor at the plasma membrane is not linear with the amount of activator. The fluorescence in pixels at the cell boundary is partly coming from the GFP-sensor that is bound to the activated membrane and partly from unbound GFP-sensor in the cytosolic volume of that boundary pixel. The variable and unknown amount of cytosol in boundary pixels causes the low sensitivity and nonlinearity of the GFP-translocation assay. Here we describe a method in which the GFP-sensor is co-expressed with cytosolic-RFP. For each boundary pixels, the RFP fluorescence is used to determine the amount of cytosol of that pixel and is subtracted from the GFP fluorescence of that pixel yielding the amount of GFP-sensor that is specifically associated with the plasma membrane in that pixel. This GRminusRD method using GFP-sensor/RFP is at least tenfold more sensitive, more reproducible, and linear with activator compared to GFP-sensor alone.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationDictyostelium discoideum
Subtitle of host publicationMethods and protocols
EditorsAlan R. Kimmel
PublisherHumana Press
Number of pages15
Publication statusPublished - 3-Jul-2024

Publication series

NameMethods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.)
PublisherHumana Press
ISSN (Print)1064-3745


  • Cell Membrane/metabolism
  • Green Fluorescent Proteins/metabolism
  • Humans
  • Luminescent Proteins/metabolism
  • Protein Transport
  • Microscopy, Fluorescence/methods
  • Cytosol/metabolism
  • Animals


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