Het effect van de ASSwijzer

Wilhelmina Geertruida van der Veer

Research output: ThesisThesis fully internal (DIV)

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The ASDnavigator is a method that focuses on the support of people with ASD. The method distinguishes itself by emphasizing that a person with ASD is trying to bring order into his chaotic life: the person's self-arrangement. It is important that healthcare professionals take notice of this before they can start setting up the arrangement (structure) they will offer. The ASDnavigaor is a method that is used to chart, analyze and assess a person's self-arrangement and the arrangement of the environment. Advice about the arrangement that must be offered can be given based on all collected, analyzed and assessed data, so that persons with ASD can flourish and develop (further). In the ASDnavigator, the self-arrangement by the person with ASD has a central role. The goal of this research is to prove the effect of the use of the ASDnavigator. The central question in this research is: What effects does the use of the ASDnavigator by the behavioral scientist have on the person with ASD and mild/severe intellectual disabilitys in terms of coping, repetitive behavior and problem behavior and what effects does it have on the support of the person with ASD? In order to answer that question, six hypotheses were tested. The conclusion of this research is that the use of the ASDnavigator has a statistically significant effect on the type of advisement of the behavioral scientist regarding the imaging and the support.
Original languageDutch
QualificationDoctor of Philosophy
  • Jansen, G.M C, Supervisor, External person
  • van der Meulen, Bieuwe, Supervisor
  • Ruijssenaars, Aloysius, Supervisor
Award date3-Oct-2013
Place of PublicationGroningen
Print ISBNs9789082077308
Publication statusPublished - 2013

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