Inferring state-dependent diversification rates using approximate Bayesian computation (ABC)

Shu Xie*, Luis Valente, Rampal S. Etienne

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State-dependent speciation and extinction (SSE) models provide a framework for quantifying whether species traits have an impact on evolutionary rates and how this shapes the variation in species richness among clades in a phylogeny. However, SSE models are becoming increasingly complex, limiting the application of likelihood-based inference methods. Approximate Bayesian computation (ABC), a likelihood-free approach, is a potentially powerful alternative for estimating parameters. One of the key challenges in using ABC is the selection of efficient summary statistics, which can greatly affect the accuracy and precision of the parameter estimates. In state-dependent diversification models, summary statistics need to capture the complex relationships between rates of diversification and species traits. Here, we develop an ABC framework to estimate state-dependent speciation, extinction and transition rates in the BiSSE (binary state dependent speciation and extinction) model. Using different sets of candidate summary statistics, we then compare the inference ability of ABC with that of using likelihood-based maximum likelihood (ML) and Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods. Our results show the ABC algorithm can accurately estimate state-dependent diversification rates for most of the model parameter sets we explored. The inference error of the parameters associated with the species-poor state is larger with ABC than in the likelihood estimations only when the speciation rate is highly asymmetric between the two states (λ1 / λ0 = 5). Furthermore, we find that the combination of normalized lineage-through-time (nLTT) statistics and phylogenetic signal in binary traits (Fitz and Purvis’s D) constitute efficient summary statistics for the ABC method. By providing insights into the selection of suitable summary statistics, our work aims to contribute to the use of the ABC approach in the development of complex state-dependent diversification models, for which a likelihood is not available.Competing Interest StatementThe authors have declared no competing interest.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages30
Publication statusSubmitted - 17-Oct-2023

Publication series

PublisherCold Spring Harbor Labs Journals
ISSN (Print)2692-8205


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