Inner Mongolian Syro-Turcica I: Contextualizing the Syro-Turkic Gravestones from Inner

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    This article examines the corpus of Syro-Turkic Christian gravestones found in Inner Mongolia, with the overall purpose of placing them within a broader context of both Ongut Turkic Christianity and other Christian gravestones found elsewhere in Central Asia and China. The text, translation, and a brief commentary are given for each Turkic inscription in Syriac script from the Inner Mongolian corpus for which the authors have legible images and/or rubbings, with a focus on the names and titles found on the gravestones. Special attention is given to Wangmuliang gravestone no. 33, which appears to mention the place where the deceased came from.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)279-302
    Number of pages24
    JournalMonumenta Serica
    Issue number2
    Publication statusPublished - 2018


    • Syriac
    • Turkic
    • Ongut
    • Inner Mongolia
    • gravestones
    • inscriptions


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