Integral cost-benefit analysis of Maglev technology under market imperfections

J. Paul Elhorst, Jan Oosterhaven, Ward E. Romp

Research output: Working paperAcademic

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The aim of this article is to assess a proposed new mode of guided high speed ground transportation, the magnetic levitation rail system (Maglev), and to compare the results of a partial cost-benefit analysis with those of an integral CBA. We deal with an urbanconglomeration as well as a core-periphery Maglev project and also try to explain why the older German Maglev proposal to connect two large, but distant cities (Hamburg and Berlin) was rejected. The empirical outcomes of our study provide policy information on the interregional redistribution of working population and labor demand and whether these projects are worthwhile in terms of national welfare. They also show that the additional economic benefits due to market imperfections vary from –1% to +38% of the direct transport benefits, depending on the type of regions connected and the general condition of the economy. Hence, a uniform ‘additional to direct benefit’ ratio does not exist.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages36
Publication statusPublished - 2001


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