Is there a diminishing willingness to pay for consumption amenities as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic?

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We employ the Covid-19 pandemic as an unanticipated event in order to investigate the willingness to pay for consumption amenities such as restaurants, cinemas and theaters. We use a hedonic pricing model in combination with a time-gradient difference-in-difference approach. Our data set contains virtually all apartments for sale in the larger Stockholm area. We use a very detailed and flexible definition of {the }density of consumption amenities based on the exact location of these amenities and the walking distance from the apartments to these amenities. Although there are differences between specifications, we find a decrease of 3.9 percent of apartments that we label as amenity rich. Based on the average apartment price, this equals a drop of 195,240 Swedish Kronor (or almost 22,000 US dollars).
Original languageEnglish
Article number103858
Number of pages18
JournalRegional Science and Urban Economics
Publication statusPublished - Jan-2023


  • COVID-19 pandemic
  • Urban economies
  • Consumption amenities


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