Low revision rate throughout the adoption of the direct superior approach in primary total hip arthroplasty: an analysis based on 1551 total hip arthroplasties from the Dutch Arthroplasty Register

Pelle Bos*, Bart-Jan van Dooren, Rinne M Peters, Harmen B Ettema, Stefan B T Bolder, Frank P van den Berg, Nic J G M Veeger, B Willem Schreurs, Wierd P Zijlstra

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    BACKGROUND: Recently, surgeons introduced a minimally invasive modification on the classic posterolateral approach (PLA) in total hip arthroplasty (THA): the direct superior approach (DSA). We investigated the association between surgeon's experience and the risk of early revision of the DSA in primary THA, using data from the Dutch Arthroplasty Register (LROI).

    METHODS: We retrieved all primary THAs performed using the DSA in 4 hospitals between 2016 and 2022 ( n  = 1551). Procedures were sorted in 5 groups using the date of operation and number of previous procedures per surgeon: 1-25; 26-50; 51-75; 76-100; >100. Subsequently, data from different surgeons were pooled together and the risk of revision was calculated via a multilevel time-to-event analysis.

    RESULTS: The overall revision rate was 1.5% after a mean follow-up of 2 years. Patients from the 1-25 group had comparable risks of revision compared to patients in the >100 group (hazard ratio [HR] 1.0 [CI, 0.3-3.2]). The risk for patients in groups 26-50, 51-75 and 75-100 was also not statistically different from the >100 group (resp. HR 1.5 [CI, 0.5-5.0], 1.8 [CI, 0.5-6.4] and 0.5 [CI, 0.1-4.0]). Main reasons of revision were dislocation (0.5%) and infection (0.4%).

    CONCLUSIONS: We did not identify an association between the surgeon's experience and the early risk of revision for the DSA in primary THA in the Netherlands. The DSA seems safe in the early adoption phases with a low risk of revision due to dislocation and revision for all other causes.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)614–621
    Number of pages8
    JournalHip international
    Issue number5
    Early online date31-Mar-2024
    Publication statusPublished - Sept-2024


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