Middle ear influence on otoacoustic emissions. I: Noninvasive investigation of the human transmission apparatus and comparison with model results

P Avan*, B Buki, B Maat, M Dordain, HP Wit

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69 Citations (Scopus)


Evoked otoacoustic emissions (EOAEs) are generated within the cochlea in response to external sounds, and they can be acoustically detected in the external auditory meatus after backward propagation through the middle ear. In addition to being used to probe the cochlear mechanisms, they are expected to be sensitive to minute changes in middle ear impedance. Systematic measurements of the changes in the vectorial components of EOAEs were carried out after various manipulations of the human middle ear in order to characterize the influence of stiffness and inertia of the stapes and tympanic-membrane systems. For this purpose, stapedius muscle contractions were elicited by high-level contralateral sound, controlled changes in middle ear pressure (range +/- 100 daPa) were produced and the tympanic membrane was loaded with water droplets. A computer model of the middle ear network was implemented using a standard lumped-element electric: analog of the middle ear (Zwislocki's model). Forward and backward transmission changes were simulated and model predictions were compared to experimental data. Apart from the case of positive middle ear pressures. a close qualitative correspondence was found between model and real-ear results. Each of the effects was characterized by a unique pattern of phase and magnitude changes as a function of frequency, in relation to the mechanical characteristics of the involved subsystem (i.e. stapes stiffness, tympanic-membrane stiffness or mass) and its resonance properties. Owing to their high sensitivity; EOAEs could be helpful for an accurate-individual multifrequency analysis of middle ear impedance by comparisons under rest and lest conditions. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)189-201
Number of pages13
JournalHearing Research
Issue number1-2
Publication statusPublished - Feb-2000


  • otoacoustic emission
  • distortion
  • middle ear impedance
  • stapedius reflex
  • middle ear pressure


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