Minimax sliding mode control design for linear evolution equations with noisy measurements and uncertain inputs

Sergiy Zhuk, Orest Iftime*, Jonathan P. Epperlein, Andrey Polyakov

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We extend a sliding mode control methodology to linear evolution equations with uncertain but bounded inputs and noise in observations. We first describe the reachability set of the state equation in the form of an infinite-dimensional ellipsoid, and then steer the minimax center of this ellipsoid toward a finite-dimensional sliding surface in finite time by using the standard sliding mode output-feedback controller in equivalent form. We demonstrate that the designed controller is the best (in the minimax sense) in the class of all measurable functionals of the output. Our design is illustrated by two numerical examples: output-feedback stabilization of linear delay equations, and control of moments for an advection–diffusion equation in 2D.

Original languageEnglish
Article number104830
JournalSystems & Control Letters
Publication statusPublished - Jan-2021


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