Ny utbildningshistorisk forskning II: Nio bidrag från Forskarskolan i tillämpad utbildningshistoria.

Translated title of the contribution: New Research in History of Education II: Nine Contributions from the Graduate School in Applied History of Education

Johannes Westberg (Editor), Germund Larsson (Editor)

Research output: Book/ReportBookAcademic


In our society, history is a central part of our culture. History returns not only in nostalgic retrospects, and in commemorations and various political projects that strive to preserve and visualize the past, but in all our attempts to understand and explain our present. This applies especially to school, where comparisons with a problematic or idealized past are recurring.

In the fall of 2020, the national research school "Perspective on today's school: Research school in applied educational history (PEDASK)" started. The graduate school aims to develop an applied history of education that contributes in various ways to an increased understanding of burning education policy issues in our time. It is therefore a research school that wants to understand why our school system looks the way it does today, wants to nuance the images of "school in the past" that are marketed in the media, and show the conflicts and injustices that have characterized the history of education.

This edited book gives an insight into some of the research school's doctoral projects. Within the framework of this anthology, the reader thus gets, among other things, an introduction to the rich history of school equipment, student unions, public school teachers, educational statistics and educational research.
Translated title of the contributionNew Research in History of Education II: Nine Contributions from the Graduate School in Applied History of Education
Original languageSwedish
Place of PublicationUppsala
PublisherUppsala University Library
Number of pages189
ISBN (Print)978-91-86701-07-9
Publication statusPublished - 2023

Publication series

NameUtbildningshistoriska meddelanden
PublisherUppsala University Library
ISSN (Print)2000-4168


  • History of education


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