Optical and Electrical Investigation of ZnO Nano-Wire Array to Micro-Flower from Hierarchical Nano-Rose Structures

Kaushik Pal, Bihong Zhan, Xiao Ma, Guoping Wang*, Romana Schirhagl, Priya Murgasen

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We have demonstrated a simple solvo-chemical and solvo-thermal route to design various nano structures growth of zinc oxide (ZnO). The shapes and morphologies can be easily controlled by using different ambient conditions. We successfully fabricated ZnO nano-wires array on ITO substrate. Those nano-wire array center gradually formed micro-flower like structure evolved in this solvo-chemical route. This novel synthesis happened under cationic surfactant CTAB in the solution helps to form hierarchical structures of ZnO. The length of nano-wire is around 2.0 mu m, which formed micro-flower diameter 5.0 mu m. Micro-flowers were scratched out from ITO substrate thin film and annealed at 650 degrees C in electric oven for 1 hour, eventually this micro-flower transformed to novel nano-rose structure confirmed by electron microscopic study. Synthesized nano-rose diameter was around 730 nm. Moreover, we found a drastic change of dielectric behavior and DC conductivity of ZnO nanostructures depending on geometry regulated by the duration of preparation. Interestingly enough, optical and electrical properties also changed due to different crystalline structure formation. The dielectric constant is higher at 7.5 also high threshold voltages at 4 V, corresponds to nano-wires array with micro-flower system. A detail dielectric analysis of one step behavior of broad single relaxation peak was obtained only shows the normal dispersion in this system from 1000 kHz to 10 MHz. While less dielectric constant 1.7 and low threshold voltage 1 V, investigated nano-wires with micro-flower, then nano-rose transition appeared in two step behaviors of double relaxations phenomenon appeared one at low frequency and other at higher frequency region. Besides, I similar to V response characteristics is new idea about different breakdown voltages and bi-stable DC switching capability. Our work demonstrates the possibility of a fast novel synthesis route using a Solvo-chemical process for this type of nanomaterials transition. This special structural character was able to tune band gap which has potential applications in semiconductor electronic devices.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)400-409
Number of pages10
JournalJournal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Jan-2016


  • Align Nano-Wires
  • Micro-Flower
  • Nano-Rose
  • Optical
  • Dielectric
  • DC Conductivity


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