Optical spectroscopy of pure and doped $CuGeO_{3}$

A. Damascelli, D. van der Marel, G. Dhalenne, A. Revcolevschi

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Published in: Phys. Rev. B 61 (2000) 12063 Citing articles (CrossRef) citations recorded in [Science Citation Index] Abstract: We investigated in detail the optical properties of several Cu(1-delta)Mg(delta)GeO3 (with delta=0,0.01), and CuGe(1-x)B(x)O3 with B=Si (x=0,0.007,0.05,0.1), and Al (x=0,0.01) single crystals, in the frequency range 20-32000 cm^-1. We report temperature dependent reflectivity and transmission measurements, performed with polarized light in order to probe the anisotropy of the crystals along the b and c axes, and optical conductivity spectra obtained by Kramers-Kronig transformation or direct inversion of the Fresnel formula. Special emphasis is given to the far-infrared phonon spectra. The temperature dependence of the phonon parameters is presented and discussed in relation to the soft mode issue in CuGeO3. For T
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages18
JournalPhysical Review B
Issue number18
Publication statusPublished - 2000


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