Patient-reported physical functioning and quality of life after pelvic ring injury: A systematic review of the literature

Hester Banierink*, Kaj ten Duis, Klaus Wendt, Erik Heineman, Frank IJpma, Inge Reininga

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Background Pelvic ring injuries are one of the most serious traumatic injuries with large consequences for the patients' daily life. During recent years, the importance of the patients' perception of their functioning and quality of life following injury has increasingly received attention. This systematic review reports on self-reported physical functioning and quality of life after all types of pelvic ring injuries. Methods The online databases MEDLINE-PubMed and Ovid-EMBASE were searched for studies published between 2008 and 2019 to identify published evidence of patient-reported physical functioning and quality of life after which they were assessed for their methodological quality. Results Of the 2577 articles, 46 were reviewed in full-text, including 3049 patients. Most studies were heterogeneous, with small cohorts of patients, a variety of injury types, treatment methods and use of different, often non-validated, outcome measures. The overall methodological quality was moderate to poor. Nine different PROMs were used, of which the Majeed Pelvic Score (MPS), SF-36 and EQ-5D were the most widely used. Mean scores respectively ranged from 75-95 (MPS), 53-69 (SF-36, physical functioning) and 0.63-0.80 (EQ-5D). Conclusions Physical functioning and quality of life following pelvic ring injuries seem fair and tend to improve during follow-up. However, differences in patient numbers, injury definition, treatment strategy, follow-up duration and type of PROMs used between studies hampers to elucidate the actual effects of pelvic ring injuries on a patient's life. Implications of key findings Physicians and researchers should use valid and reliable patient-reported outcome instruments on large cohorts of patients with properly defined injuries to truly evaluate physical functioning and quality of life after pelvic ring injuries. Systematic review registration number PROSPERO International prospective register of systematic reviews; registration number CRD42019129176.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere0233226
Number of pages21
JournalPLoS ONE
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - 17-Jul-2020




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