Pignus nominis: the actio utilis of the pledgee

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperAcademic


In Roman law, a creditor could obtain a security interest in a claim. Such a security interest is called pignus nominis. Pignus nominis is the pledge of a claim, or more specifically the pledge of a personal right, i.e. the right of a
creditor to claim performance from his debtor. A claim was a res incorporalis, an intangible. The pledge of a claim led to an actio utilis granted by the praetor. The pledgee could use the actio utilis to claim performance from the debtor
of the pledged claim. An actio utilis is an analogous action given after the example of an already existing action. Smit will discuss how this actio utilis of the pledgee was formulated.


Conference71ème Session de la Société Internationale Fernand De Visscher pour l’Histoire des Droits de l’Antiquité (SIHDA)
Abbreviated titleSIHDA
CityRavenna & Bologna
Internet address


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