Playing alone? Interest representation in the videogame industry in Denmark, Italy and the Netherlands

Lisa Dorigatti*, Wike M. Been, Luigi Burroni, Maarten Keune, Trine P. Larsen, Mikkel Mailand

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This article presents a comparison of interest representation in the videogame industry in Denmark, Italy and the Netherlands. While traditional industrial relations actors play a minor role, interest representation is far from absent in this creative industry. Interest representation is, however, dominated by other actors that often cut across the employer–employee divide. This article argues that the specific features of interest representation in the videogame industry can be explained by the characteristics of employment in the sector. The presence of fluid labour markets, the strong importance of intrinsic motivation in workers’ attitudes to work, and the presence of groups of workers willing to pursue individual strategies, contribute to distance the industry from the collective identities of traditional industrial relations actors and to strengthen the appeal to occupational identities developed by professional organizations, trade associations and informal communities.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1266-1288
Number of pages23
JournalEconomic and Industrial Democracy
Issue number4
Early online date13-Nov-2022
Publication statusPublished - Nov-2023


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