Proposal for a Triple Bottom Line for Translation Automation and Sustainability: An Editorial Position Paper

Joss Moorkens, Sheila Castilho, Federico Gaspari, Antonio Toral, Maja Popović

Research output: Contribution to journalEditorialAcademicpeer-review

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This article is both an editorial introduction to the guest-edited special issue of JoSTrans on Translation Automation and Sustainability, and a position paper in which we propose a model for evaluating the sustainable use of automation technology in translation and beyond. As grounding notions, the article reviews definitions of automation and considers the urgency of sustainability. Thereafter we propose an adaptation of Elkington’s (1997) triple bottom line, giving equal weight to evaluation based on people, planet, and performance, describing each of these elements in turn. Finally, we introduce the articles from this special issue, in which authors describe various aspects of automation technology in translation with a focus on sustainability.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2-25
Number of pages24
JournalJournal of Specialised Translation
Issue number41
Publication statusPublished - Jan-2024


  • artificial intelligence
  • ethics
  • sustainability
  • translation automation
  • Translation technology
  • triple bottom line


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