Recognition and Ambivalence

Heikki Ikäheimo (Editor), Kristina Lepold (Editor), Titus Stahl (Editor)

Research output: Book/ReportBookAcademicpeer-review


Recognition is one of the most debated concepts in contemporary social and political thought. Its proponents, such as Axel Honneth, hold that to be recognized by others is a basic human need that is central to forming an identity, and the denial of recognition deprives individuals and communities of something essential for their flourishing. Yet critics including Judith Butler have questioned whether recognition is implicated in structures of domination, arguing that the desire to be recognized can motivative individuals to accept their assigned place in the social order by conforming to oppressive norms or obeying repressive institutions. Is there a way to break this impasse?

Recognition and Ambivalence brings together leading scholars in social and political philosophy to develop new perspectives on recognition and its role in social life. It begins with a debate between Honneth and Butler, the first sustained engagement between these two major thinkers on this subject. Contributions from both proponents and critics of theories of recognition further reflect upon and clarify the problems and challenges involved in theorizing the concept and its normative desirability. Together, they explore different routes toward a critical theory of recognition, departing from wholly positive or negative views to ask whether it is an essentially ambivalent phenomenon. Featuring original, systematic work in the philosophy of recognition, this book also provides a useful orientation to the key debates on this important topic.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationNew York
PublisherColumbia University Press
Number of pages352
ISBN (Electronic)9780231544214
ISBN (Print)9780231177610, 9780231177603
Publication statusPublished - Jul-2021

Publication series

NameNew Directions in Critical Theory
PublisherColumbia University Press


  • recognition


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  • Recognition, Constitutive Domination, and Emancipation

    Stahl, T., Jul-2021, Recognition and Ambivalence. Ikäheimo, H., Lepold, K. & Stahl, T. (eds.). New York: Columbia University Press, p. 161-190 30 p. (New Directions in Critical Theory).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterAcademicpeer-review

    Open Access
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