RF-Separated Beam Project for the M2 Beam Line at CERN

Alexander Gerbershagen, Vincent Andrieux, Johannes Bernhard, Markus Brugger, Oleg Denisov, Jan Friedrich, Lau Gatignon, Frank Gerigk, Alexey Guskov, Bernhard Ketzer, Fabian Metzger, Wolf-Dieter Nowak, Catarina Quintans, Silvia Schuh-Erhard

    Research output: Book/ReportReportAcademic

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    Within the framework of the Physics Beyond Colliders initiative at CERN, discussions are underway on the feasibility of producing radio-frequency (RF) separated beams for Phase-2 of the AMBER experiment at the M2 beam line in the North experimental area of the CERN SPS. The technique of RF separation is applied to enrich the content of a certain particle type within a beam consisting of different species at the same momentum. It relies on the fact that each particle type has a different velocity, decreasing with rest mass. The successor of the COMPASS experiment, AMBER, requires for its Phase-2 measurements high-intensity, high-purity kaon (and antiproton) beams, which cannot be delivered with the currently existing conventional M2 beam line. The present contribution introduces the principle of RF separation and explains its dependence on different parameters of beam optics and hardware. The first examination of potential showstoppers for the RF-separated beam implementation is presented, based on the particle production rates, beam line transmission for specific optics settings, limitations for overall beam intensity and purity posed by beam line acceptance and radiation protection. Different beam optics settings have been examined, providing either focused or parallel beams inside the RF cavities. The separation and transmission capability of the different optics settings for realistic characteristics of RF cavities are discussed and the preliminary results of the potential purity and intensity of the RF-separated beam are presented. They illustrate the high importance of an RF-separated kaon beam for many of the AMBER Phase-2 data taking programs, such as spectroscopy, prompt-photon production, Primakoff reactions and kaon charge-radius measurement.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages24
    Publication statusPublished - 29-Mar-2022


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