Rookgedrag van medewerkers in de verslavingszorg: Een pilotstudie naar barrières die een rol spelen bij het stoppen met roken van medewerkers van Verslavingszorg Noord Nederland gezien vanuit het perspectief van rokende en niet-rokende medewerkers

Janina Bron, Jolanda Tuinstra, Robert van de Graaf

Research output: Book/ReportReportProfessional

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Background: Research has shown that staff smoking in addiction treatment settings affects smoking behavior of patients. In addition, staff smokers are less inclined to encourage patients to quit smoking. It is important that staff is not smoking in order to introduce a successful no smoking policy in an organization. It is unknown which barriers play a role in smoking cessation of staff smoking in addiction treatment settings. In this pilotstudy therefore the ability to change about smoking cessation was examined by staff of Verslavingszorg Noord Nederland (VNN) seen from the perspective of smoking staff, as well as non-smoking staff. The central question of this pilotstudie was: ‘Which barriers take part in smoking cessation of staff of VNN seen from two perspectives?’ To answer this question the theory of the Readiness to Change Framework has been used. This framework makes a distinction between barriers in the internal and external context of change, and certain catalysts that provide change.
Method: This exploratory study included 39 staff of VNN working in the city of Groningen or in the Northeast of Groningen, where the barriers to smoking cessation of staff smokers were examined by a self-developed semi-structured online questionnaire viewed from the perspective of smoking and non-smoking staff.
Results: The barriers to smoking cessation by staff of VNN could be found in the internal and external context. Smoking staff looked for barriers mainly at themselves, the internal context. The nonsmoking staff looked for barriers by the staff themselves, as well as in the staffs area, the external context. Conclusion: In order to increase smoking cessation, it seems important that individual interventions are being developed focused on the barriers to the internal context, as well interventions such as training, focusing on the barriers in the external context.
Original languageDutch
PublisherScience Shop, University of Groningen
Number of pages26
Publication statusPublished - 2016

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