Ruimte voor polyfonie: een actieonderzoek naar de betekenis van een kunst- & filosofielab voor de vrije handeling in het onderwijs

Nathalie Beekman

    Research output: ThesisThesis fully internal (DIV)

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    This dissertation reports on an action research study investigating how an art & philosophy lab can contribute to more room for ‘free action’ at a multicultural primary school, KDS Bisschop Bekkers in Groningen. In this context, a search has been made for the possibility of introducing a specific, existential conception of ‘formation of the person’, referred to by educational philosopher Gert Biesta as 'subjectification', in this school. This could support children in relating to a complex world in a free manner. The rationale for this study is a much-heard criticism in the field of education, namely that over the past two decades the balance has shifted towards a strong degree of complexity reduction and control. There is arguably too little room for children’s own voices, and teachers often inadvertently become the mouthpieces of the educational policy.
    Subjectification can offer an additional alternative in this situation, but because it is neither a controllable nor a measurable concept it is difficult to find a place for it in the school practice. By searching for a polyphony of free voices, distinguished as the authentic, the creative and the responsible voice, a language has been developed for teachers to name different qualities of the appearance of children in the world; to give subjectification a place in education. The three voices have emerged through a combination of art and philosophy with children in a natural setting.
    The art & philosophy lab works as part of the curriculum and exists as a permanent, distinct place in the school, with different rules of the game, serving as a sustainable change instrument.
    Original languageDutch
    QualificationDoctor of Philosophy
    Awarding Institution
    • University of Groningen
    • Zeelen, Jacobus, Supervisor
    • Biesta, Gerardus, Supervisor
    Award date1-Nov-2021
    Place of Publication[Groningen]
    Publication statusPublished - 2021

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