Science with an ngVLA

C. L. Carilli, E. J. Murphy, A. Ferrara, P. Dayal

Research output: Other contributionAcademic

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We consider the capabilities of ALMA and the ngVLA to detect and image the[CII] 158\,$\mu$m line from galaxies into the cosmic `dark ages' ($z \sim 10$ to 20). The [CII] line may prove to be a powerful tool in determining spectroscopic redshifts, and galaxy dynamics, for the first galaxies. In 40\,hr, ALMA has the sensitivity to detect the integrated [CII] line emission from a moderate metallicity, active star-forming galaxy [$Z_A = 0.2\,Z_{\odot}$; star formation rate (SFR)= 5\,$M_\odot$\,yr$^{-1}$], at $z = 10$ at a significance of 6$\sigma$. The ngVLA will detect the integrated [CII] line emission from a Milky- Way like star formation rate galaxy ($Z_{A} = 0.2\,Z_{\odot}$, SFR = 1\,$M_\odot$\,yr$^{-1}$), at $z = 15$ at a significance of 6$\sigma$. Imaging simulations show that the ngVLA can determine rotation dynamics for active star-forming galaxies at $z \sim 15$, if they exist. The [CII] detection rate in blind surveys will be slow (of order unity per 40\,hr pointing.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusSubmitted - 1-Oct-2018


  • Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies


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