Screening and surveillance of hepatocellular carcinoma by serum des-gamma-carboxy prothrombin in patients with glycogen storage disease type Ia

A. B. Schreuder*, R. J. Overduin, N. C. Peltenburg, L. de Boer, F. A.J.A. Bodewes, T. G.J. Derks

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No sensitive tumor marker for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is available for patients with glycogen storage disease type Ia (GSDIa), in whom alpha-fetoprotein and carcino-embryonic antigen levels often remain normal. We describe increased levels of the HCC tumor marker des-gamma-carboxy prothrombin (DCP) in GSDIa patients with HCC. In one case DCP levels normalized after liver transplantation. We recommend including DCP as a screening HCC tumor marker in the surveillance of patients with GSDIa.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)207-211
Number of pages5
JournalJIMD Reports
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Jul-2024


  • des-gamma-carboxy prothrombin
  • glycogen storage disease type I
  • hepatocellular adenoma
  • hepatocellular carcinoma
  • tumor markers


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