Seasonal Training Load and Wellness Monitoring in a Professional Soccer Goalkeeper

James J Malone, Arne Jaspers, Werner F Helsen, Brenda Merks, Wouter Gp Frencken, Michel S Brink

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38 Citations (Scopus)


The purpose of this investigation was to: (a) quantify the training load practices of a professional soccer GK, and (b) investigate the relationship between the training load observed and the subsequent self-reported wellness response. One male goalkeeper playing for a team in the top league of the Netherlands participated in this case study. Training load data were collected across a full season using a global positioning system (GPS) device and session rating of perceived exertion (session-RPE). Data was assessed in relation to the number of days to a match (MD- and MD+). In addition, self-reported wellness was assessed using a questionnaire. Duration, total distance, average speed, PlayerLoadTM and load (derived from session-RPE) were highest on MD. The lowest values for duration, total distance and PlayerLoadTM were observed on MD-1 and MD+1. Total wellness scores were highest on MD and MD-3 and were lowest on MD+1 and MD-4. Small to moderate correlations between training load measures (duration, total distance covered, high deceleration efforts and load) and the self-reported wellness scores were found. This exploratory case-study provides novel data about the physical load undertaken by a goalkeeper during one competitive season. The data suggest there are small to moderate relationships between training load indicators and self-reported wellness. This weak relation indicates that the association is not meaningful. This may be due to the lack of position-specific training load parameters we can currently measure in the applied context.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)672-675
Number of pages4
JournalInternational journal of sports physiology and performance
Issue number5
Early online date28-Nov-2017
Publication statusPublished - May-2018


  • Journal Article


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